Medical Intuitive Scan

Medical intuition is probably the most misunderstood (and misused) term in the spiritual field today. Although there have been instances when I have been able to sense someone’s ailment in medical terminology, that is not always the case, nor what I look for when I “read” a body. A health scan or intuitive health reading involves a holistic approach to health: mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional. (Our medical field tends to separate these areas into specializations.) The emotional, energetic cause of an illness will often be the information that is most important to the client, and is what comes forth.

My goal is to teach interested individuals how to sense their own intuitive wisdom and know what is best for their spiritual, mental and physical well being.

I believe that Intuition tells us what is. It is up to us to make the interpretation, if need be, and draw the conclusions)

If you are considering using an intuitive to help you understand your physical or emotional state, answer these questions:

Do you understand the concept of intuition?
Are you a skeptic? (which is ok. . . just know that you are.)
Are you gullible? (it is important to be in touch with your own intuitive process. How does the information, when you hear it, feel to you?
Are you are familiar with the concept of Qi (Chi) and/or energy fields?
Do you believe, or are you, at least, open to the possibility that intuitive-diagnosis is possible?
How does a “medical” reading work?

In many instances, I will scan your energy remotely (not in my presence), answering questions you have sent to me in a letter. The letter gives name, address, and a your specific questions about your physical and emotional health.

(If you elect to see me in person, the fee is $200.00. In this setting (which lasts about an hour and a half) we use your intuition (as well as mine) to scan (and sense) what is going on with your body.)

Remote sessions are conducted when I am in a deep relaxed state. I will record and upload a copy of the session to dropbox,  or mail you a CD.  If you have follow-up questions after listening to the CD, you are welcome to call or email me.

When I work with you in person, I use directed imagery as a source of obtaining information about your physical-mental health. In this manner, you are being the psychic, reading your own energy (Chi), making the assessment and recommendations for treatment. This is a collaborative effort because I will scan you at the same time.

What do I do next?

If you want me to conduct a remote, intuitive scan of your body, mind, and spirit I will need the following:

  • Print out, Read, Sign and Return Disclaimer Form by clicking link HERE

  • Your letter, with questions that you want me to specifically target. I will read the entire energy field and tell you what I sense, but I also like to know what your concerns are.

  • A check, made out to Winter Robinson, for remote consultation $150.00 (US) and for in-person consultation $225.00 and sent to:

Winter Robinson
149 Simpson Road
Buxton, ME 04093-6201


  • payment by Paypal:

medical scan $150.00